We Are All Oz




People believe what they need things to be. Reality must always be subordinate to and respectful of the eggshell crack. Challenge a deluded person’s delusions and be prepared to be assailed by crouching tigers and hidden daggers flying at you from every direction.

Maggie never saw the yellow bricks on the road to the Emerald City. She was in too big a hurry. She heard about Dorothy, and said, “Fuck that shit. I’m smarter and prettier than that bitch.” Taking pride in the barbs that wired her, she drove her old Mustang off-road, but soon lost her way. The Scarecrow came along to offer her his assistance. She blew her dragon breath on him and he burst into flames. The Tin Man showed her his ticking heart and she chucked it at the Cowardly Lion – the same way she later threw the blame at Dorothy, resenting her for being the only one to bother looking behind Oz’s curtain, and actually see that the Wizard was just another Kansas carny.






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