Anyone For Tennis? (NaPoWriMo Day 9)





And the night flows through you
beetle-winged and buzzing
air rising vanilla-wafted and languorous
all yeasty breaded promise
midnight at the zoo glow
humming and staffed with life
But christopher-robined into a briar patch
on the way to the county fair
your blackberry preserves done spilleth
over, rover…
Here, let me help pick the nettles
out of your hair. Why so glum, chum?
So red-headed mule, 666 times removed?
You were offered Paradise — you paved it
and put up Joni’s parking lot.
Fair enough. Yet I’d still drink a case of you.
I never asked you to bury yourself in my body
for eternity, only to burrow here for a little while,
to let your Mad Hare drop his watch fob,
to loosen those waistcoat buttons and unwind time
for the horizon stretch of my thighs,
to suspend thought and duty and meaning
and just reverie here inside me. My Alice isn’t greedy.
You can still go back to the party afterward
with your Red Queen
and her stale crumpets and tea.








Today’s prompt:

And now, without further ado, our (optional) prompt for the day. In his interview, Smith mentions “ants roll{ing} epic” – a rather charming image! In honor of it, we challenge you today to write a poem in which something big and something small come together.

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