She Told Him She Only Dreamed About Escape, That’s All She Dreamed About – Escape. (NaPoWriMo 2019, Day 4 – Sadness)


“The slow but steady progression of another grey day… The sun is not allowed to shine for long in San Francisco. It’s the law. I guess I’ll keep walking. This fucking wind is a pushy bastard. I’m getting sandblasted out here. Pretty soon the sand worms will show and it’ll all be over. I won’t even have the spice to show for it.”“Frankly, Madame Herbert, you should refrain from too much spice. It makes you blind.”

“You mean it’ll turn my brown eyes blue? The problem with worms is that they remember the taste of humanity. Ha! No wonder they hate us. They hope for feasts and only find famine in our dead flesh. There is more to us than these epidermal layers and worms know it so they keep feeding on us but they’d have to go back to Eden to taste our true sweetness. That’s too long a ride for any wingless beast to embark upon.”

“I guess, dear Lorimer from another world, we are all trying to travel beyond our bounds.”

“Jesus these fucking tourists on their bikes are hazards! I best pay attention to where I walk, instead of typing into this device. Device…. what a word, it should be called an invice… because that’s what it does – invite vice! Anyway, sorry. Those poor half-starved worms… they seek that spark of divinity that was the shake and bake of our creation. Whether one believes the creation myths or not, the secrets of the universe or the Godhead (or whatever you want to consider an eternal glory) lies in every wire that fires the charge of consciousness beneath our skins. That spark of life, that fingertip of God, that bang that got too big for its britches that accidentally created the clusterfuck of us infects us with its gift of creation. It’s like being bitten by a vampire… It forces us to become creators too, and when we fail to reinvent the wheel or rediscover Prometheus’ fire? (I mean what the fuck has had more impact than those two creations on human life?) We feel utter loss… Okay… walking on…. I’ve rambled enough in one text.”

“Methinks she speaketh sense, I sense…”

“Haha! Now you see why I have never done drugs.”

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